Channel: Socialism

RUSH: Panama Papers Expose The Corruption Of Socialist Dictators, NOT CAPITALISM!


RUSH: Folks, what Obama is trying to do.  He’s trying to change the narrative, particularly with low-information voters, into thinking that the Panama Papers corruption is about corporations.  And it isn’t.  The Panama Papers corruption is about socialist, communist dictators.  There’s not a capitalist leader in the bunch.  Not a single one.  The Panama Papers expose corruption of socialists and other dictators, not capitalism.

So here’s Obama riding to the rescue, making it look like what you’re learning about the Panama Papers is about corporations, primarily US corporations, exploiting tax loopholes and not being willing to pay their fair share.  But the truth is the narrative is not about American companies; it’s about corrupt public socialist and communist dictators, the same people, the same people who signed laws to make all these tax shelters legal.  Some president had to sign this stuff.  “What do you mean?  I signed the law, and it’s got loopholes in it?

“Well, somebody better move in and close the loophole!”  This is all just insulting to anybody’s intelligence who has any idea what’s going on here.  And it’s typical.  I wouldn’t think it’d go so far as to point out Obama’s buddies here are in a little bit of a vise, and he’s trying to get ’em out of it.  There’s not one capitalist country leader mentioned in these Panama Papers, not yet, and it has nothing to do with American corporations.  This is about world leaders from communist and socialist countries stealing their own people blind and establishing offshore accounts for money laundering, tax evasion, all that.

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BRILLIANT MOVE! RUSH: Democrats PANIC At Idea Of Trump-Sanders Debate


RUSH: You’ve heard that the Democrats, like Joe Manchin and some of these others, “No! No! No! Don’t debate, no.” They’re mad at Bernie. They’re mad at Crazy Bernie for accepting it. Crazy Bernie is thanking Jimmy Kimmel for suggesting the idea. Trump went along with it.

Now, the Democrats, you would think that they’re upset about this ’cause it’s upstaging Hillary. And Hillary would be upset about it for that reason. But I don’t think that’s why the Democrats are worried about this. She’s only, what, how many delegates away? I know that wouldn’t have much to do with upstaging. It’s a factor. But I think what they’re really worried about, so far the Crazy Bernie campaign hasn’t been seen by very many people. Remember the Democrat debates took place on Saturday nights, or as they say in my hometown of Cape Girardeau, “Sat-eer-day,” they took place on Saturday nights. Nobody watched ’em. Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz purposely scheduled those debates when nobody’s watching TV.

Now, people are aware that Crazy Bernie’s winning, but they don’t know what Crazy Bernie’s saying, because that campaign is not taking place in mass media. It’s taking place in the physical locations, and there are excerpts, of course, highlights, news stories from the Drive-By Media about it. Crazy Bernie hasn’t had anywhere near the national exposure that, say, Trump has had, or even that Hillary has.

And I’m here to tell you, folks, that the reason why there is such panic and palpable fear on the Democrat side that this may actually happen, they are afraid the public is going to end up seeing the real Democrat agenda, with the mask off and with no camouflage, if they put Bernie out there. I mean, Hillary’s a radical socialist, too, but she knows how to cover it up. She knows how to hide it. She knows how to mask it. She knows how to camouflage it. She’s much better at that. So was Slick Willie. Obama is good at hiding it. Crazy Bernie doesn’t even try to.


RUSH: Have you heard Hillary’s reaction? “Oh, no, no, no, no, they’re not gonna do that, they’re just kidding, you know, they’re just kidding about this.” Meanwhile, she’s sitting over there saying (imitating Clinton), “What the hell is going on here? What’s Trump doing debating –” And she’s out there saying, “No, no, no, Trump’s gonna be debating me.” But she doesn’t want that to happen, either.

Now, this is a brilliant move. I do mean it when I said I don’t know if Trump knows how brilliant. I’m not trying to insult him. I’m trying to compliment his instincts here. His instincts just serve him so well, it’s breathtaking to watch.

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RUSH: BREXIT WAS ‘NATIONHOOD’! Brits Did Not Renounce Socialism


CALLER:  So I just wanted to touch on a point here that has a lot of aspects to it so I’ll try to stay concise, but it seems to me that when the country was founded and the Constitution was drafted, there was a general more homogeneous outlook on the vision for this nation. Whereas today the nation is, for better or worse, full of far more diverse values and perspectives that create a sense of discord among the populace.  And it seems to me that the elites and the ruling class, as you call them, actually feed off of that sense of discord, as we vote them more power day by day. So it was kind of a breath of fresh air the other day to see the Brexit vote and see that there was an entire nation, or at least 50% of a nation that’s willing to step away from a centralized power like it did.

RUSH:  Wait, wait, wait whoa, whoa, whoa.  Wait a minute, now.  Boy, you got a gold mine of good points here.  In the first place, the Brits did not renounce socialism.  The Brits are still socialist.  They didn’t renounce that.  I made a point last Friday of saying, even though we would love to see this as a rejection of liberalism, we can’t lie to ourselves.

What this was was a bunch of people saying, “We are not going to stop being Great Britain.  We are going to hold onto our nation.  We love being British.  We love that there is a Great Britain, and we’re not gonna let it be dissolved.  We’re not gonna let it be overrun by out-of-control immigration by people in charge of not caring what happens to British people.  We’re not gonna let ourselves be subjected to a bunch of people ruling us, who don’t care that there is a Britain or a Germany or a France or whatever.  We’re not gonna be run by a bunch of people who don’t believe in nations.”

This was nationhood.  This was nationalism speaking up, piping up.  This is a bunch of people fed up like here with immigration, fed up with the attempted abolition of nationhood, which is what the EU is all about.  The EU — I don’t know, folks, if you have traveled over there, but once you enter the EU, that’s the last time you have to use your passport.  You enter the EU in France, you can go anywhere. You don’t have to show your passport. You go to Great Britain, you don’t need to show your passport, you go to Germany, because the borders don’t exist.  That’s what they were rising up against, but they did not reject socialism.  That has not happened yet.

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RUSH: Obama wasn’t through.  He kept on going with this rant against Trump and immigration.


OBAMA:  I’m not prepared to concede the notion that some of the rhetoric that’s been popping up is populist.  When I ran in 2008, and the reason I ran again, and the reason even after I leave this office I will continue to work in some capacity in public service, is because I care about people, and I want to make sure every kid in America has the same opportunities that I had. And I care about poor people who are working really hard and don’t have a chance to advance.  And I care about workers being able to have a collective voice in the workplace and get their fair share of the pie.  I suppose that makes me a populist.

RUSH:  Wrongo, big guy.  You haven’t even gotten close to describing populism.  You have described uber-socialism here.  But this whole notion, “I care about people.”  They get away with this. The left, the Democrats, liberals get away with this, that they’re the only ones with compassion.  And just look around you.  Are any of their constituent groups happy?  Have they ever gotten close to the promised utopia?  If you ask me, every Democrat constituent group is angrier today than they were when Obama was inaugurated eight years ago, or seven and a half, whatever it is.

I mean, there’s genuine rage out there, and it’s the left that’s fit to be tied.  There certainly isn’t any cheerfulness. There certainly isn’t any happiness. There certainly isn’t any laughter out there.  Even leftist comedians are ticked off and enraged.  And Obama, social justice is what populism is?  He doesn’t know what populism is.

He’s scared.  These people are all scared of Trump.  If Trump’s this boob that doesn’t have a chance, if Trump is this charlatan that has no idea what he’s doing and has no idea how to run a campaign, why in the world are they so worried?

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RUSH: Can I ask you a simple question?  Who won the Cold War?  What’s the answer? Who won the Cold War?  The United States won the Cold War?  No, we didn’t.  No, we didn’t.  We did not crush Russia.  We did not crush communism.  It’s still taught in America universities.  Communism, anti-Americanism is at an all-time high at all levels of American education and culture.  It is what is cool, it is what is hip.  Look at Kaepernick.  Look at all these protests.  Look at the anti-cop stuff.

The anti-American founding, anti-America, period, meme and narrative is more popular than ever at an all-time high at educational institutions all over this country.  How is that possible after — we did, in terms of the Cold War, the Russians gave up.  The Soviet Union gave up and the wall came down.  Why didn’t communism get buried at the same time?  Because it sure as hell did not.  Communism is as big and powerful and pervasive in this country as it has ever been.  It has taken over the Democrat Party.  It has taken over Hollywood.  It has taken over the entertainment industry.

If it’s defined by America sucks, America’s bad, America’s racist, America’s discriminatory, the cops are bad, America is flawed, where does that come from?  It comes from communism. It comes from the Soviet Union.  Vladimir Putin was at the KGB during the Soviet Union’s primacy.  Where is he today?  He is the president of the Soviet Union, i.e., Russia.  Putin didn’t go anywhere, the KGB didn’t go anywhere, just gave it a new name.  We won the Cold War and have nothing to show for it, is my point.

Now, one of the reasons we don’t is because the Democrats didn’t want us to win the Cold War.  They thought it would be destabilizing for the Soviet Union to go defunct and to have only one superpower, us.  As bizarre and depraved as that sounds, that’s exactly what they thought.  The world was not safe with only one superpower if it was us.  We were the imperialists, we loot other countries, we impose our way of life on other countries.  But you can’t deny to me that Marxism, as a philosophy, is not taught.

Look at the Millennial population today.  They don’t know that it’s Marxism.  They’re not of course told that.  But look at how many people running around think America is the problem in the world.  You tell me the communists haven’t won?  You tell me they lost the Cold War?  They did not.  Well, the Soviets may have.  Communism didn’t.  Marxism is still fashionable.  It’s still cool.  It’s still how the Democrats get where they want to go.  They don’t of course call it Marxism.  But they campaign on it.


Rush Limbaugh Tells The True Story Of Thanksgiving – 2016

LIMBAUGH: Castro’s Death A BIG-TIME Teachable Moment


RUSH: And we’ve got still to discuss Castro.  Look, this is a teachable moment, a big-time teachable moment, the death of Fidel Castro and the way that death was treated by many, if not most, of the American media and the Democrat Party with a couple of noted exceptions, one of the exceptions being Pelosi.

But the most accurate take, the most accurate reaction, the most dead-on public statement about the death of Fidel Castro came from Trump.  Obama’s was neutral.  You know, Obama, Castro, that’s the kind of thing Obama, all these leftists, these Social Justice Warriors, they admire what they think Castro was trying to do.  He had free health care for everyone.  Never mind that nobody could access it.  It’s just absurd.  I can’t wait to share with you a story in the Washington Post about this.  It’s sick.  It is dangerous how wrong, how factually incorrect, how attitudinally, how ideologically wrong this is.  It’s dangerous.  It’d be one thing if it was from a kook, obscure conspiracy website, but this is in the Washington Post.

Did you hear what Brian Williams said?  He said people in Cuba prefer donkey-drawn carts to automobiles.  The people of Cuba prefer to be driven around by donkeys in carts rather than the 1950s and ’60s automobiles, which are the newest that you can find in Cuba.  They prefer it.


LIMBAUGH: People In The USA Today Live Better Than People Ever Have


RUSH: People in the United States of America today, even after eight years of Barack Hussein O, people in the United States of America today live better than people ever have. The poor in this country would be considered affluent in most poor and poverty ravaged regions of this world.

The poor in this country have a car, air-conditioning, a TV and cell phone. Many of them don’t even have to work because the welfare state provides so much. The standard of living, the quality of life in the United States of America is better, the people who live here live better than people ever have, and it’s one of the reasons why so many of us get literally mad when we listen to the complaints about life in America and what it’s like, because there’s no other place like this country for providing not just opportunity and not just quality.

The United States of America provides the freedom, I should say permits, allows, does not constrain the freedom that we’re all born with that allows each of us to pursue whatever it is that we define as a quality of life. Access to quality-of-life services, access to quality-of-life products is unparalleled in the United States of America.

Most societies — this is what American exceptionalism really is when you get right down to it. Most people in most countries don’t have anything approaching — I’m talking about — there are always gonna be wealthy and rich people in every country you go to. I’m not talking about them. I’m not talking about disparity. I’m talking about the population at large, there is no country on earth where the population at large lives anywhere nearly as well as the population of the United States.

Most countries feature societies of populations of people that just barely get by. Socialism, leftism, liberalism not only doesn’t respect the unique abilities of free people; it attempts to quash them and to eliminate them. Because it’s unfair not only to have more than somebody else, it’s unfair to be better than anybody else at whatever you do. That’s not fair. So we define everything down to the lowest common denominator. We take the people at the top, bring ’em down to people at the bottom and say that’s equality. We punish achievement if liberalism and leftism rules the day. But capitalism is where the respect for unique abilities and freedom resides.


Rush Limbaugh Tells The True Story Of Thanksgiving – 2017


RUSH: It takes me to The True Story of Thanksgiving. It was written about in chapter 6 of See, I Told You So, book two. It’s in a chapter titled, Dead White Guys or What the History Books Never Tell You. And this chapter, by the way, served as the foundation for the first book in the Rush Revere series, Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims. Where, in addition to the true story of Thanksgiving, we have the true story of the Pilgrims, who they were, where they came from, why they came, what happened when they got here, what they had to do to fix what went wrong when they got here, and what role the Pilgrims play in the overall founding of America.

Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, that’s the first book of five in the Rush Revere Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans series, which is written for young people. Why did the Pilgrims risk everything to get on a rickety little ship, compared to ships and boats today, it was a rickety little thing. They traveled the Atlantic Ocean to a place that was foreign and unknown, and they were on a boat that the last thing about it was pleasant or luxury. They had no idea what they were gonna encounter. But it had to be better than what they were fleeing. And what they were fleeing was religious persecution.

Now, the real story of Thanksgiving, I wasn’t even taught the whole version. Like everybody, I was taught a sanitized, modern version that has elements of political correctness and multiculturalism. I was taught that Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims being saved from starvation and deprivation by the loving, good-hearted, compassionate, and caring stewards of the earth, the Indians. The Pilgrims didn’t know how to grow corn, food, maize, popcorn, anything of the sort when they got here. The Indians showed them all of that. And Thanksgiving was the Pilgrims inviting the Indians over for dinner to thank the Indians for saving them, the Native Americans. Everybody’s been taught a version of that.

But, ladies and gentlemen, it isn’t true. The story of the Pilgrims begins in the early part of seventeenth century. For those of you in Rio Linda, that would be the 1600s. The Church of England under King James was persecuting anybody and everybody who did not recognize its absolute civil and spiritual authority. The government was god, the government was the religion, the government was the church. And those who challenge that, those who believed strongly in freedom of worship, were hunted down, they were imprisoned and sometimes executed for their religious beliefs in 1600s England.

So a group of separatists, people that didn’t want any part of this, they’d had their limit, first fled to Holland. That’s right. The Pilgrims did not come on the same route as the Titanic. They didn’t come from England. They fled to Holland and they established a community there. And after 11 years, 40 of them agreed to make the journey to what was then called the New World, where they knew they would certainly face hardships. But the promise was that they could live and worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences.


MARK LEVIN: The Person I’d Like To Interview The MOST… Is Bernie Sanders


MARK LEVIN: I’ve told Mister Producer this and I’ve told the folks that work with me at LevinTV. The person I would like to interview the most, the most, is Bernie Sanders. Is Bernie Sanders. Be cordial, respectful, but it would be very important I think because he still wants to be President and he’s still pressing his agenda, and I would love to debate him. Or let me do it this way, have a discussion with him. But I don’t think that will ever happen. Too bad.

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